Vesicular Stomatitis (VS)
Vesicular Stomatitis (VS) is a livestock disease that emerges in the US approximately every 10 years. We have teamed up with US Department of Agriculture scientists across the US to address the complex transdisciplinary problem of predicting where and when this disease will occur in the US. In our group, we focus on the ecological processes, geospatial processing and eco-informatics, and the systems integration to tie the project together.
To learn more about the VS team, check out our StoryMap here.
Multiscale Research
One source of complexity for predictive disease ecology is the multiple scales over which a disease occurs. Since environmental drivers have varying effects on different spatial scales, we tailor our analyses to the different spatial scales. Investigation of the environmental drivers at any scale helps define priority areas for research, monitoring, and mitigation efforts.
VS Research in Mexico
We are collaborating with Dr. Kathryn Hanley at New Mexico State University to expand VS research to Mexico. By including Mexico, where VS in endemic, in our geospatial analyses, we can better understand the origin and large-scale conditions that propagate VS emergence in the US.
Key Papers